Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So this is where my blogging journey begins...

Well, this is my first attempt at blogging...and i'm sure i'll have to stop from time to time to even make sure that i'm doing this right...but as the title of my blog says, i like to analyze and overthink just about every aspect of my life...

I am a 32 yr old single mother of an 11 yr old son...even the thought of having an 11 yr old makes me feel so old..but yet i'm still waiting to feel like an adult. I still feel like my father's child, even though i am grown and on my own. But i don't know how much "on my own" i can be when i chose to buy a house only 15 houses down the street from my dad but i wouldn't trade it for the world. My mom passed away when i was 23 yrs old, so i know that cherishing the relationship that i have with my father can only bring me peace and happiness.

I am starting to feel like being a part-time student has become my other part-time job...which it is, but sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when there seem to be so many obstacles to face before i reach the end. I happen to love this literature class this semester...it's never really seemed like a burden this semester because i have enjoyed reading the material..even when i thought that it would be of no interest to me. Even though there are times when the reading material may not be my particular favorite, i still find that by getting my classmates views on what we've both read i can open my mind to be able to learn new things.

I look forward to this new arena in my life...and when my very computer-literate little brother finds out that i have my own blog (when i just learned how to cut & paste) he will be both shocked and ready at the phone for all my questions for him..

Ta-ta for now..

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Tina,
    It sounds like you have a good sense of what is important in life. I am glad that you are experiencing new things in life. I, too, have only recently been exploring the internet. It takes getting over the fear of making a mistake and ending up on a wrong channel. Security programs aid in putting one's mind at ease in this aspect. After that, it is truly amazing what can be found out there. Happy web surfing!
